This year Holly Fair will be a bit different than in the past but you will still have the ability to order monogrammed and personalized goodies to get a jump start your holiday gift list!
A percentage of all orders placed via email, phone, text or in person between Nov. 5 - Nov. 8 will be donated to OLPH Holly Fair Fundraiser. Best way to order is via eamil. Be sure to mention holly2020 in your communication. If you wish to set up an appointment to shop in person please email via the contact page to request a time slot. No more than 3 people may attend a single appointment, masks are required and social distancing as best as possible. Limited time slots each day! It is just like going to the grocery store but it’s a monogram shop!
Orders will be delivered after completed if you reside in Glenview, Wilmette, Northfield, Winnetka, Glencoe, Evanston or Skokie. Orders from outside these communitites will have a $10 shipping fee.