'Tis The Season

Every year I tell myself I am going to get completely organized.  I'm going to head into the holiday season with my house in order and a sense of peace. I realize it's a lofty goal, but worth a try I say! This year is no different, but I missed the mark again!

It's already November and our home is, well let's just say, lived in.  There is laundry to be done, closets to be organized, landscaping to be tended to, rooms to be tidied up and so on and so on.  This year, however, I've decided not to worry about it. I've decided that everything is never really going to be off the "To Do" list.

Despite things being a bit messy, in reality it's all just fine.  We have two wonderful sons, a roof over our heads, food on our table, our health, our family and our friends. To top it off I have a job I love!  I get to create monogrammed goodies everyday and share them with so many wonderful people!  Life is good, it's messy and slightly unorganized, but it's good and I am oh so grateful.