Off and Running Step by Step!

Seems like this year just bolted out of the gate and I have been off and running from the get go!  I took a trip to the NYNOW market to check out what's new in the world of home and personal accessories.  Of course I mixed it with some family time which basically resulted in enough steps on my Vivofit to cover a weeks worth of steps in just 3 days!  Well worth the exhaustion at the end of my trip!

The next step is to prepare for my 2017 Monograms Make a Difference program which will kick off on March 2nd.  For the entire month of March I will be donating 10% of the cost of every monogram to The Ted Mullin Fund for Pediatric Sarcoma Research.  Both of my sons were introduced to the fund and its goals through swimming in The Hour Of Power with their high school swim team.  It's my hope that through Monograms Make a Difference in March more people outside of the swimming world will learn about Pediatric Sarcoma and the need to find a cure.

To learn more go to