Easter Egg Hunt The Start of Personalization

When my kids were little we used to host a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.  It was a ton of work but tons more fun!  We would put the names of all the kids coming on a specific amount of eggs. This way each child could hunt for the eggs with their names on them and miraculously end up with the same amount as all the other children!  I should have realized then how important personalizing everything really is!

Each child, regardless of age, wore handmade bunny ears made out of pink and white paper and had to hop out the door to be officially a part of the hunt.  Needless to say this caused a ton of laughter but also some very sweet moments seeing the older kids help the little ones hop down the steps to get to their eggs spread out all over our front, back and side yards!

It's funny how in the moment you really don't notice the details.  It's when you look back and you wonder if personalizing eggs, way back then, was really the start of my small business!  Crazy right?  Well whether it was or it wasn't, it still brings a smile to my heart, the same way I feel when someone shares their joy in getting a personalized gift I helped create!


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